
Monday 25 March 2013

Magical moments - indoor snowball fight!

Indoor snowball fight! 18 January 2013

The imagination that JR has, has never failed to amaze me, I'm sure I wasn't like this at his age, I wonder if its a male thing.

Today JR's preschool closed early due to the snow, when his friends mom brought him home he asked if he could go outside and play in it. I'd have loved him to go and play in it but as we live in a flat with no garden i told him if he waited for mr me and my tiny 3 he could go outside without his brother & sister getting too cold, (TP is totally unimpressed with the snow and flatly refused to even consider going outside) daddy could take him to the fields or just outside on the carpark.

At this point what I was expecting at the very least was a mild tantrum but what I got was completely different, and a very nice surprise. "Mommy go and hide so I can throw a snowball at you" my response immediately was no you know you don't throw things in the flat. JR's response too this obviously silly statement was "silly mommy I'm not really going to throw a snowball at you it's just pretend" so the next hour was spent with me, JR and TP having an imaginary snowball fight! Hiding behind tables, cushions, soft toys you name it we used it has a shield against our opponents imaginary snowballs! We haven't laughed as much in a long time and to me it was much more preferable snowball fight to a real one cause I stayed nice warm and dry!
I feel at this point it's important to add that JR and his Daddy did indeed go and have lots of fun in the snow watched by me TP and LA


  1. I think I prefer pretend snowball fights too! Popping over from Magic Moments. x

  2. I prefer pretend snowballs too! I am loving this #magicmoment thanks for linking up x

  3. great post, popping over from #Magic moments xx

  4. That sounds like so much fun - I much prefer pretend snowballs anyway!

  5. haha what a fun way to spend a cold afternoon, I must say I like the sound of pretend snowballs


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