Friday, 7 June 2013

Mister maker That gives me an idea DVD - Review

JR and TP are both huge Mister Maker fans, so when I was given the opportunity to review Abbey Home Medias new Mister Maker DVD I asked the boys if they would like to, and of course they said YES!
The boys were so excited when the parcel arrived they couldn't wait for me to connect the laptop to the tv (Our DVD player is broken). 

When I put the DVD on the boys sat still, quiet and didn't take their eyes off the screen (still and quiet never ever happens!) They watched the whole DVD which has a running time of 95 minutes and when it finished they asked to watch it through again and they did quietly again except for lots of giggling and laughing.
There are 5 episodes on the DVD they are listed on the back of the DVD as shown below

I would completely recommend this DVD for the little Mister Maker fans in your life, we watched it with the tiny 3's cousins as well and they all really enjoyed it their ages are 2,3,5,&7 so although its a cbeebies production I think it would appeal to all ages as there abilities grow as they get older they can try the makes over and over again. 

I was sent this DVD free of charge for the purposes of this review but as always on me and the tiny 3 all the options included in this review are honest and my own. 

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