Monday 15 April 2013

Little funfest at redhouse farm

This post is a little late at the party as little funfest was 2 weeks ago, but quite honestly I've been suffering from a post fun fest slump!

Little funfest was a 2 day festival of fun for little tiddlers held at Redhouse Farm, Dunham Massey, altringham.

We went on the 1st day Friday April 5th and we had an absolutely fantastic day, in fact we had so much fun if mr m&ttt wouldn't have had to work on the 6th we would have gone again the following day as well.
We arrived quite early as we had set off early due to the fact we had to travel on the notoriously busy M6 North. When we arrived we were met by Alex Winters from cbeebies he was absolutely the most lovely friendly person I have ever met, and since we had been twittering for a while it was just like meeting an old friend which mr m&ttt found slightly strange.
After the initial shock that Alex off the telly knew his name and was speaking to him JR spotted the huge sandpit and play area, so off we went to that. The boys absolutely loved it although JR got a little scared at the top of the climbing frame and wouldn't go down the curly slide!
Once little funfest opened we made our way across the field to see what was on when and the boys went on a couple of the rides although TP cried on everyone and JR wouldn't let me take him on the pirate ship!
After the rides our next port of call was the tractor ride, this was absolutely fantastic fun, JR was big enough to fit in his own car, and me and TP shared a car. TP loved being able to see the tractor pulling us around and giggled and laughed when we went round in circles and JR got so comfy in his seat we thought he'd fallen to sleep!
When we finished the ride we went into the big top tent to see Alex winters officially open the festival, there was a bit of a delay because they had a problem with 1 of the generators so started about 20 minutes behind but nobody seemed to mind as there was fun music being played.
When Alex appeared on stage he appeared as Derek, I think Derek is what he'll be like in 30 years time, but was very funny! The boys started arguing at this point because JR realised right away that Derek was actually Alex Winters but TP being only 2.5 believes that what you see must be true therefore the man in the stage must be called Derek and wasn't Alex Winters! After Alex had finished we watched a bit of the star kids party, before heading over to the barn to watch Alex read a story!
A story that both my boys love me reading to them is "We're going on a bear hunt" and this was the first story that Alex read. He had the whole audience captivated even the adults! He led the children all around the barn and was really good when the children wouldn't sit down or interrupted him! At the part of the story where you find the bear he pointed out a dad in the audience and got the children to believe that this man was in fact a bear. I have never seen a grown man be so enthusiastic about a story ever! He then read Room on a broom and the children were equally as captivated, I by this time could feel my eyes shutting and I think that is a testament to how good the story telling was I felt like a child being read a bedtime story.
After the story telling we waited to meet mr bloom (I personally don't have a thing for mr bloom although I know a few who do!) Mr Bloom aka Ben Faulkes was brilliant with the kids and when several apf the children asked where his veggies were he said that they were at a birthday party.
After photos with Mr Bloom we waited to see a balloon modelling demonstration little did we know that we'd be expected to have a go ourselves it was great fun and in the end we created 4 balloon dogs none of which survived the journey home!
We then went to see Harry potter and both me and JR got sorted into houses I was sorted into slitherin and JR into hufflepuff it was great fun especially for me as I love Harry Potter.
Then we went to watch Alex and Jem Frazer on the main stage in the big top JR and TP learnt a new song called the banana milkshake song and both will start randomly singing it without prior notice.
We then went to look at some of the animals and then went back to the big top to see mr bloom on stage. By this point we were all really tired so said bye to Alex winters and headed home after an absolutely fantastic fun fuelled day and none of us can wait for the next one!

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